
Central Hostel La Rochelle

Хостел - 0.24 km from city center
About the place
Experience social interaction during your trip to La Rochelle by staying in our hostel. The Youth H Show more
Social and fun

Central Hostel offers a schedule of activities including concerts, DJ sets, happy hour, film screenings, music quiz nights, painting classes, sports events and so on.
There’s something to suit everyone’s preferences!

Available Rooms
23 Mar 2025
25 Mar 2025
In the most beautiful street of La Rochelle ! Nestled in one of the most picturesque neighbourhoods Show more
Расположение: оценки
Основано на отзывах местных и путешественников: 0.
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Как добраться
Address: 16 rue de l'Escale, 17000, Ла-Рошель, Франция
Check-in details
3:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Check-out details
5:00 AM - 11:00 AM

American Express

Зона приема и размещения
Available 24 hours
Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 18
Important information

The maximum period of stay is of 7 days.
The guest must be the owner of the credit card used to make the reservation.
Please note that if the reservation is made by a third party, the guest will have to provide the following documents :
an authorisation signed by the credit card owner
a copy of the credit card
a copy of the passport/ID of the credit card owner.
Travelling with underage guests:
Minors (under 18's) can only stay at the hostel if a legal guardian accompanies them.