
Viajero Hostel Cali

Хостел - 3.74 km from city center
About the place
Cali breathes Salsa and Viajero will make you sweat! It is located in the San Antonio neighborhood, Show more
Available Rooms
15 Mar 2025
16 Mar 2025
Расположение: оценки
Основано на отзывах местных и путешественников: 0.
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Как добраться
Address: Carrera 5 Nº 4 - 56, San Antoio, 760044, Кали, Колумбия
Check-in details
3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Check-out details
6:00 AM - 11:00 PM

American Express
Diners Club

Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 18
Important information

Taxes: Residents in Colombia must pay a VAT of 19% on the value of their stay. This value does not appear in the final rate of the reservation. Foreigners and non-resident Colombians are exempt from VAT only if the purpose of their trip is: (a) to receive medical treatment, (b) rest or leisure activities as tourists, (c) to attend or participate in cultural, scientific or , sports, conventions or business, (d) tourist groups in maritime transit of a cruise ship. For this purpose, the passport must be stamped with the TP code with a validity of 90 days.